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Syrian Arab Army: Battle in Aleppo [Part 1] | Битва в алеппо [Part 1]
Syrian armed rebels enter Aleppo for the first time in 8 years
04 11 2013 War in Syria Terrorists launch rocket Aleppo террористы в Алеппо
Syrian Army in Aleppo, Maysaloun | Syrische Armee in Aleppo | сириец армия в Халеб
18+ not for shock! Syrian arab army in Aleppo...bringing the trash out 29-1-13
18+ Syria - The Aleppo Battle - The Modern Day Stalingrad!!!!
The War In Syria: Opposition pushes to capture all of Aleppo, Andrew Lebentz reports
Syria: the Legions of Holy War
Syrian militants seize control of Aleppo
Syrian Arab Army Fight Terrorist Groups - Anna News Qaboun Part 2
Syria, Northern Aleppo, Inside Recently Syrian Arab Army Captured Kiffin Village
18+ Syria Rebel Tank Clashes With Assad Army in Aleppo - Khalidiya Area